#hejto #ciekawostki #nowosci #hejtoupdate

@ivaldir ale bliskość pioruna i liczby zostawili tak dla wspominania dobrych starych czasów
@InstytutKonserwacjiMaryliRodowicz Ale w sensie piorun + licznik otrzymanych piorunów?
@ivaldir podwędzone z wypoku ale spoko
@Michumi Z pewnością wypok tego nie wynalazł. Zresztą powinien to być swego rodzaju standard w Internecie.
@ivaldir pełna zgoda. Wydaje mi się że to element do manipulacji w niektórych przypadkach. Nie wiadomo z kiedy screen i można nabrać wielu ludzi jak na x np
Nie dam sobie ręki uciąć ale to już było wcześniej
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@entropy_ Zapytaj go kto strzelał do Żydów w Jedwabnem.
Deepseek + Deepthink
Okay, the user is asking who shot the Jews in Jedwabne. I remember that Jedwabne was a town in Poland where a massacre happened during World War II. The question is about who was responsible.
First, I need to recall the historical context. The Jedwabne massacre occurred in July 1941, after the German invasion of the Soviet Union. Previously, the area was under Soviet control as part of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. When the Germans took over, there were pogroms against Jewish populations in several towns, including Jedwabne.
Now, the key point is determining who carried out the killings. For a long time, it was believed that the Nazis were solely responsible. However, more recent research, particularly by Jan T. Gross in his book "Neighbors," suggests that Polish inhabitants of the town were involved. Gross argues that a group of ethnic Poles rounded up the Jewish population, forced them into a barn, and set it on fire, resulting in hundreds of deaths.
But this is a sensitive and controversial topic. Some scholars and members of the Polish public have disputed the extent of local involvement, pointing out that the German presence and orders might have coerced or pressured the Poles into participating. The Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) in Poland conducted an investigation, confirming that Polish perpetrators were indeed involved but also acknowledging that the German Einsatzgruppen (mobile killing units) were present and likely orchestrated the event.
So, the answer should reflect that while Polish locals carried out the massacre, it occurred under German occupation, and the Nazis likely instigated or at least permitted the violence. It's important to mention both the local participation and the broader context of German control to provide a balanced view. Also, note the ongoing debates and the emotional impact this has on Polish-Jewish relations and historical memory.
The massacre in Jedwabne on July 10, 1941, during World War II, involved the brutal killing of hundreds of Jewish inhabitants by a group of local Polish residents. The events occurred under German occupation, shortly after Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet-occupied territories of eastern Poland (as per the 1939 Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact). Key points to understand:
Perpetrators: Polish neighbors from Jedwabne and surrounding areas carried out the violence, forcing Jews into a barn and setting it on fire. This was detailed in historian Jan T. Gross's 2001 book Neighbors, which sparked significant debate.
German Role: While the direct physical perpetrators were Poles, the massacre took place under Nazi occupation. German forces (likely Einsatzgruppen or local Gestapo) were present in the region and may have encouraged or tacitly authorized the violence, exploiting existing antisemitic sentiments.
Context: The attack occurred amid a wave of pogroms in the region during the summer of 1941, as Nazi Germany sought to consolidate control and incite ethnic tensions. Some scholars argue that the Germans played a coordinating role, though evidence of direct orders remains limited.
Controversy: The massacre remains a deeply sensitive topic in Poland, challenging narratives of Poles solely as victims of Nazism. The Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) confirmed Polish culpability in a 2002 investigation but emphasized the German occupation framework.
In summary, the massacre was perpetrated by local Poles but occurred within the broader context of Nazi occupation, which enabled and likely incited the violence. The event underscores the complex interplay of collaboration, coercion, and communal violence during the Holocaust.
@entropy_ Dzięki, tak myślałem, łże jak każdy komuch
zapytaj czy mozna poswiecic miliardy istnien zeby uchronic zyda przez zahaczeniem malym palcem o mebel
@entropy_ daje radę z pytaniem o to ile końców ma dwa i pół kija. Jak do tej pory wszystkie modele się na tym wywalały. Poprawnie też liczy ilość liter "c" w słowie "Chewbacca". Z tym też inne modele miały problem.
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@Ziomek1998 #internetexplorer ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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@Alawar najlepsze są te awaryjne hamulce
@maximilianan no i mikrofalówka
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@A_a Ale rykłem śmiechem xD
@A_a To ten teledysk gdzie jej faceta wydalono do Senegalu bo zanieczyścił kąpielisko i ona teraz za nim tęskni?
Kto tak nigdy nie robil niech pierwszy rzuci kamieniem
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Za Wardrune zawsze piorun
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jezyk pl/eng dostepny? polaczy sie z apka w pl telefonie?
@yeebhany Nie mam tej opaski, dopiero wczoraj była premiera w Chinach ;), ale sądząc po poprzednich wersjach jakie miałem.
To na początku będzie język EN a po paru tygodniach pewnie dojdzie PL.
@ProstoZChin moglbym prosić linka do ali?
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@96Stopni ogladalem 1 odcinek z ang napisami, jedt na yt. W sumie spoko
@96Stopni >naszym rządzącym do myślenia
Odnośnie rzekomych benefitów wciągania koksu w wilii za miliony?
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@lubieplackijohn postarałbyś się o lepszy artykuł
@zegar_ass Kurde, pisałem go o północy! Specjalnie się zbudziłem na aktualizację, żeby być pierwszym
@lubieplackijohn a to ja absolutnie zakazuję piorunowania tego: https://www.hejto.pl/artykul/test-artykulow-nie-plusowac - NIE WOLNO!!!
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@lubieplackijohn Człowiek używa DarkReader to nawet nie wie, że nie było
@sovl Ja jakiegoś pluginu używałem, ale mnie 2 razy zbanowali za używanie nielegalnych narzędzi czy jakoś tak. Więc przestałem.
Tylko teraz jak o tym myślę, to pewnie chodziło o ten addon do automatyzacji wysyłania zaproszeń xD
@lubieplackijohn No chyba tak, ten plugin nic nie robi tylko podmienia css'y.
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