ZiomanFenomenw Sztafetarok temu22Royal Mail ma zamiar wypuścić znaczki ze świata Discworld 😃 https://terrypratchett.com/discworld/royal-mail-40th-anniversary-discworld-stamps/ #terrypratchett #ksiazki #znaczki #discworld #ciekawostkiRoyal Mail unveils 40th anniversary Discworld stampsRoyal Mail has today revealed eight Special Stamps they are issuing to celebrate Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series, making the 40th anniversary of The Colour of Magic, his first book in the series. The stamps can be pre-ordered today, and will be available for general purchase as of 10 August 2023. Fans can get their hands...Terry Pratchett226Udostępnij
@Zioman A jak to szef @scorp wrzuci do wyników ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)