Wesprzyj nas i przeglądaj Hejto bez reklam

Zostań Patronem



_It is said that women who visit the grave, put a flower in his hat and a kiss on his lips will find a husband within the year.

There is also the suggestion that the statue can bring fertility. Something many seemingly believe, as while the majority of the effigy is an oxidised shade of green, the metal at its lips, feet and trousers has been rubbed shiny.

Feeding into the idea of love and fertility, is the fact that Noir was engaged to be married at the time of his death._

Wiele widziałem, wiele przezylem, ale jakbym zobaczył babe ocierajaca się c⁎⁎ą o czyjś grób to wyplacilbym jej taką ratę w pysk żeby zrobiła 2137 obrotów wokół własnej osi zanim by się zatrzymała

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