The architecture of Hogwarts isn't exactly disability-friendly or inclusive.
Performing spells by using the hand to "swish and flick" requires an able body. And we clearly see a lack of accommodation in the Floo Network in "Chamber of Secrets" when Harry ends up in Knockturn Alley after failing to say his intended destination clearly — making the public transportation useless for those with speech disorders.
Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, and Harry all had traumatic events throughout their childhoods. The school authorities knew about these hardships, but no school counselor, therapist, or advisor was made available to them.
The school seems so far from comprehending basic empathy for its students despite hosting several dangerous creatures and an unending streak of terrible events.
Moody's numerous physical disabilities are apparent from the introduction of his disdained nickname, "Mad-Eye," and they're largely used to add to his grizzled appearance. His prosthetic eye is often discussed in whispers, as taboo in the Wizarding World as it is in our own. And it's unclear how the Auror managed to navigate the 142 staircases at Hogwarts with a wooden prosthetic leg.
t's a pity — I think I would've been an asset in the fight against Voldemort and his Death Eaters.
#harrypotter #niepelnosprawnosc
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