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@tomilidzons doceniam rejestrację (wh)oops xD
@tomilidzons Samo gęste
2 nie kumam
@the_good_the_bad_the_ugly Liżme ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
@tomilidzons @starszy_mechanik @the_good_the_bad_the_ugly ja myślałem, że to imię, i jak człowiek chciał zapytać kto to "Ligma" to drugi go powstrzymał aby ufo nie odleciało xD
Teraz kisnę drugi raz.
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@the_good_the_bad_the_ugly https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ligma_joke
Ligma joke
The Ligma joke first gained popularity online in July 2018. "Ligma" sounds similar to the words "lick my", and became a sophomoric Internet meme to set up a crude joke. When someone unfamiliar with the term is prompted to ask "What's ligma?", the punchline is to respond with "Ligma balls", "Ligma nuts", "Ligma butt" or something similar. Derivation and bofa meme The Verge reported in July 2018 that ligma "is the new bofa", a pun on "both of". In a conversation, the speaker might set up the joke by saying, "I went to this great Italian restaurant last week, and they make great bofa", to prompt the question, "What's bofa?" to which the response is, "Bofa deez nuts!". According to Dictionary.com, "It's seen as a sign of good humor if the person who has been bofa'd laughs, shrugs it off, or bofas someone themselves." ...