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Dołączył/a: 17.01.2023

  • 1wpisy
  • 225komentarzy
      Lubię czytać ruskie fora, szczególnie jak mają bekę ze swojej armii 😅
      (google tłumaczenie, ale sens dobry)

      Quote (Majurik @ 09.14.2023 - 20:16)
      What I love about our army is its creativity. We had just finished joking about “Moscow” burning down in the Black Sea when they burned down “Minsk” for satirical variety ©️

      The quote (Knizhnik @ 14.09.2023 - 21:55)
      And all our people are creative.
      It will especially please your army that a submarine in the steppes of Ukraine died in an unequal air battle. teeth.gif

      The quote (tatbel @ 14.09.2023 - 22:17)
      I wonder if there was at least one other case in history when a submarine was hit by a ballistic missile?

      Major 15.09.2023 - 09:27
      Yes, this is truly a unique case. In the world history of wars and conflicts, there really is not a single fact of the destruction of a submarine by air-launched cruise missiles.

      A unique war, unique cases.

      Here are some of them:

      -The first fleet flagship in 40 years was destroyed;
      -Destroyed the first attack helicopter in flight from an ATGM;
      -Destruction of a record number of generals in a record short time;
      -A unique defeat in a naval battle of a country with a fleet, against a country without a fleet!

      #ukraina #rosja #wojna

      Destroyed the first attack helicopter in flight from an ATGM;

      To rzeczywiscie bylo dobre, ale jest jeszcze nowy acziwment do odblokowania: dron kamikadze, zestrzeliwujacy helikoper!

      Ostatnio prawie im sie udalo, czekamy na sukces w tej dziedzinie 😀

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