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Zostań Patronem Hejto i odblokuj dodatkowe korzyści tylko dla Patronów

  • Włączona możliwość zarabiania na swoich treściach
  • Całkowity brak reklam na każdym urządzeniu
  • Oznaczenie w postaci rogala , który świadczy o Twoim wsparciu
  • Wcześniejszy dostęp, do wybranych funkcji na Hejto
Zostań Patronem
Za kulisami Rzymu. Plus kilka cytatów:

"Those lions you bought me were useless! Wouldn't pull my chariot for shit, and bit the arm of a perfectly good groom!".

"All citizens, be aware that the vassal, Prince Herod, Tetra of Galilee, has come to the city. By order of the Triumvirate, during his residency here, all mockery of Jews and their One God shall be kept to an appropriate minimum."

""He worships dogs and reptiles. He blackens his eyes with soot like a prostitute. He dances and plays the cymbals in vile nilotic rites."

#historia #starszezwoje #seriale

Jaka platforma variates?


@ruhypnol chyba HBO bo to ich produkcja



RIP Ray Stevenson. Ale gościa lubiłem.

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Mężczyzna bije maczetą płonącego Zulusa, Soweto 1990. I to jest fotografia.

"A man hacks at Lindsay Tshabalala, a Zulu killed as a suspected Inkatha member by African National Congress supporters. Over 3,000 people died in 1990 as a result of ANC-Inkatha violence that was provoked by a state-sponsored destabilisation programme, prior to South Africa's first democratic elections in 1994. This was part of a 1991 Pulitzer Prize winning series."

Źródło i opis

#historia #starszezwoje

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Pozostałości po obywatelach Herkulanum, którzy starali się chronić przed błotem wulkanicznym.

"In the autumn of 79 CE, Herculaneum was destroyed in a cataclysmic eruption of the active volcano on Mt. Vesuvius, along with the neighbouring towns of Pompeii, Stabiae and Oplontis. There is a contemporary account of the eruption written by Pliny the Younger. At Herculaneum, however, the special conditions produced a unique outcome. The pyroclastic flow of volcanic gas hit the town at a temperature of 400 degrees, which while instantly killing those who had not escaped was the right temperature for carbonising organic materials. The town was then sealed tight under a flow of mud some 25 metres deep. As a result, not only more durable items like statues, shops, sewers, baths and a theatre were preserved, but also wooden furniture, textiles, foodstuffs, human waste, and books."


#historia #starszezwoje #archeologia

#postmemizm #czarnyhumor


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