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Zostań Patronem Hejto i odblokuj dodatkowe korzyści tylko dla Patronów

  • Włączona możliwość zarabiania na swoich treściach
  • Całkowity brak reklam na każdym urządzeniu
  • Oznaczenie w postaci rogala , który świadczy o Twoim wsparciu
  • Wcześniejszy dostęp, do wybranych funkcji na Hejto
Zostań Patronem
_A mother and her daughter are driving through the country when they pass a stallion standing on the side of the road very obviously demonstrating that he is truly a stud. The daughter sees this and asks, "Mom? What's that hanging down from that horse?"_

Mom shrugs and replies, "It's nothing, dear."

A week later, the daughter is riding with her father when they past the same stallion in the same condition. The daughter asks, "Dad? What's that hanging down from that horse?"

"Why, that would be the horse's penis," says Dad.

"Hm, when I asked Mom, she said it was nothing."

Dad shrugs, smiles, and replies, "I know, dear. That's because your Mom is spoiled."


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Face of a man who died in 1361 AD, during the Battle of Visby in Swedeп, one of the wildest of Eυrope.


@cebulaZrosolu to filozoficzne pytanie

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