Tomorrow I will have another recruitment conversation. This time she will be with english part. I’m not so onfidence of my skills in this language, because I spoke in english with another person a long time ago… God please tkae care of me tomorrow…
#przegryw #oswiadczenie

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dobrze ze nie jestes konfident

@PrzegralemZycie confidence = pewność.

@JSON Good luck to the peasant...

@JSON This time IT will be

I’m not so confident in my language skills

because I spoke english with another person a long time ago…

God please take care of me tomorrow…

@JSON English is not for chłop, english is for oskarek. For chłop only święta chłopska polszczyzna

@lexico as i said my english skills are not perfects… but thank you for your feedback!

@JSON aren't perfect…

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