Tak dla pewności:
>On 21 November 2024, following an investigation of war crimes and crimes against humanity, the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued arrest warrants for two senior Israeli officials, Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, and Yoav Gallant, the former Minister of Defense of Israel, alleging responsibility for the war crime of starvation as a method of warfare and the crimes against humanity of murder, persecution, and other inhumane acts during the Israel–Hamas war.[1][2] The warrant against Netanyahu is the first against a Western-allied leader for war crimes.
Trochę dyscypliny hejtowicze. Na razie jest areszt, jeszcze nie został skazany. Co pamiętamy o domniemaniu niewinności?
Benjamin Netanyahu jest zbrodniarzem.
Benjamin Netanyahu jest poszukiwany o rzekome zbrodnie.
Polecam lekturkę.
>European Union: Foreign Policy chief Josep Borrell called on all EU member states to respect and implement the ICC's decision, arguing that the ICC's decision was not political.[50]
DECEMBER 25, 2024
>Poland: Deputy Foreign Minister Władysław Bartoszewski told media that, if he enters Poland, Netanyahu would be arrested in accordance with the country's commitments to the ICC, making Netanyahu's attendance at the forthcoming 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz unlikely.
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Nasz kochany uforomowany rząd z premieriem na czele oraz prezydent mieli ten sam sprawdzian do wykonania OSOBNO ten sam sprawdzian.
Stanowczo można rzec, że obydwoje ten sprawdzian oblali. Ale cóż, nie ma za to żadnej kary.
9 January 2025
>‘not in the program’
>‘not in the program’
>‘not in the program’
>‘not in the program’
Jeśli Bibi nie przyjedzie, to nasz rząd się oficjalnie sfrajerzył.