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No to jeszcze informacja, dlaczego w Turcji śmieszne jest "31":
31 w tureckim oznacza walenie gruchy.
Z tego co doczytałem, to zgodnie z jakimś tam zapisem, w którym litery odpowiadają określonym liczbom - 31 oznacza "rękę".
Trochę to skomplikowane, ale skoro ich to śmieszy...
""The origin of the idiom "to draw 31" dates back to the Ottoman period. People in the Ottoman period used to call this event "drawing a hand", but since it is not easy to talk about such things publicly, they thought of using the "abjad account" while thinking about how to use it (abjad account: It can be briefly described as an encryption system found in many cultures, where the letters correspond to certain numbers). When calculating the hand part of "taking hand" with abjad, "elif" (1) used for the letter e in the Ottoman alphabet and "lam" (30) used for the letter l. ) have reached the number 31, which is the sum of the numerical values of their letters.""
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