#blender #blender3d oraz #amd #radeon
Czy ktoś wie coś na temat tego jak się teraz blender z AMD miewa?
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Heyo there. I've had a break (2 years?) from blender. I've just installed it on my new pure-amd system and I noticed that when using HIP the cpu+gpu combo is making results actually worse. And not only time wise! I have Ryzen 9 7900 + 7900 XTX running on W11 64gb ram.
I've set the samples to 50 and wanted to compare the render times (because I see blender no longer saves samples per second?)
Image 1: GPU (RT on) 3,3GB memory - seems to be best image quality
Image 2: GPU (RT off) 2.78GB memory - similar image
Image 3: GPU + CPU (RT off) 2.2GB memory - what's going on?! Noise levels are huge, and it's the same samples amount!
Image 4: GPU + CPU (RT on) 2.1GB memory - a bit better than 3, RT seems to actually do good stuff, but noise still there
Image 5: GPU + CPU + iGPU (RT ON i think) 2.15GB memory - Even worse, using AMD processor gpu added 4s render time and noise is even worse
Image 6: GPU + iGPU (RT off) 2.2GB memory - noise madness, double render time
Image 7: GPU + iGPU (RT on) 2.15GB memory - noise madness, but normal render time Has blender (cycles?) changed something with hybrid tracing? Is there some way of making CPU (and iGPU) actually help rendering, instead of sabotaging the results? Or am I stuck to gpu-only rendering?