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Wzajemna życzliwość źródłem zdrowia psychicznego


A jaki elegancki. Niedługo będzie taki jak ta jego babka-modelka.

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Brakuje tagu #czerstwe


@Zelich to dobrze, bo nie ma takiego tagu ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Złych wieści ze świata #sumo ciąg dalszy. Ci, którzy coś tam obserwują to wiedzą, że Asashoryu (wujek obecnego Ozeki Hoshoryu) kilka dni temu trafił do szpitala, z bliżej nieokreślonego powodu. Dzisiaj gruchnęła wiadomość, że to nowotwór…

@Lirice czy wszyscy zawodnicy sumo muszą być tak ulani? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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@Lirice czego datę?


@Anteczek Ishiura będzie miał ceremonialnie obcięty kucyk i tym samym przestanie być zawodnikiem sumo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfSLb9zZLE8

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#sumo krótki wywiad z naszym chłopakiem Kazikiem Tsuyukuza, o tym co teraz porabia oraz o tym co porabiał
Mówi, ze wystąpił w netflajksowym Sanktuarium, ale jakoś go przeoczyłem, muszę powtórzyć seans.

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Ishiura, chłopiec w złotym mawashi, wychowanek stajni Miyagino, zakończył karierę. W sumie już od roku wszyscy interesujący się ō-zumō spodziewali się tego komunikatu

Pozostaje w swojej stajni na funkcji trenera, którą pełni nieoficjalnie od co najmniej roku..


@Lirice Już myślałem, że to przegapiłem. Isiura zostanie kolejnym Magaki Ojakata.


ekscytowały mnie te basho kiedy wraz z enho pięli się w rankingu, szkoda że nie unikneli kontuzji

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#jedzenie #foodporn #heheszki
U mnie w okolicy ostatnio powstaje coraz więcej pierogarni, tych z rodzaju: wchodzisz do budy, a tam pani Helenka z Grażynką lepią pierogi i sprzedają na wagę. Najczęściej w ofercie są klasyczne z mięsem, ruskie, z pieczarkami, kapustą, są też jakieś wymyślne z fetą i szpinakiem, kaszą gryczaną i zasmażaną cebulą etc.
Natomiast jedna z nowootwartych pierogarni ma takie coś w ofercie jaki pierogi z niespodzianką. Nie wiem co mnie podkusiło by to kupić, sam nie wiem co o tym myśleć...

Z niespodzianką pod tytułem "Wszystko, co znalazłam w lodówce"

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@Lirice bardzo urwał?


@mrmydlo śmiertelnie


@Zielczan no i tak to jest...

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Tochinoshin zakończył karierę. Spora część drugiej połowy jego kariery była skupiona już na walce ze swoimi zgruzowanymi kolanami i innymi kontuzjami.
Osiągnął tytuł Ozeki (wyżej już tylko jest Yokozuna).
W ciągu 17 lat kariery w Sumo stoczył łącznie 1401 walk, z czego 1200 w Makuuchi (najwyższa liga).
2 nagrody Outstanding Performance Award
3 nagrody Technique Prize
6 Fighting Spirit Prize
2 Kinboshi (złota gwiazdka za pokonanie Yokozuny)
Dzięki Panie Levan Gorgadze!

@Lirice jak ten czas leci


I to jak siłą pokonywał tych grubasów. Mistrz


@Lirice ciekawe ilu ludzi wie o jego drugim życiu w branży muzyki rozrywkowej


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Ktoś puścił parę z ust w sprawie Ichinojo. Poniżej wklejam kulawe tłumaczenie z japońskiego. W skrócie, chłopak w kwietniu wpadł w pijacki cug i przestał pojawiać się na treningach. W końcu Minato postanowił go wywalić ze stajni. Na pewno to była niezwykle trudna decyzja, bo Snorlax był jego najlepszym zawodnikiem.
The truth behind Ichinoshiro's "electric shock retirement" is after he drowns in alcohol and refuses to practice, saying, "Then I quit."
5/9 (Tue) 16:12 delivery
Former sekiwake Ichinoseki (30), who announced his sudden retirement at the Ryogoku Kokugikan on May 4, spent days drowning in alcohol and refused to practice until just before that, according to an interview with "Weekly Bunshun". have understood.
At a press conference attended by his mentor Minato Oyakata (former Makuuchi member Minatofuji), he said that the reason for his retirement was ``worsening back pain'', but a member of the supporters' association of the room reveals the truth.
"It's true that back pain had become chronic, but that's just the ostensible reason. Since April, Ichinojo has skipped training without permission and has been drinking and drinking. The reason he took the form of retirement was not dismissal. It was the master's last "parental affection."
At his retirement press conference, Minato Oyakata and Ichinojo left through separate entrances without making eye contact. The rift in the teacher-student relationship dates back to the fall of 2021.
Ichinojo has vowed not to drink alcohol, so he is allowed to live alone. However…
Master Minato made Ichinoshiro live in a sumo stable in Kawaguchi City, Saitama Prefecture, but it was discovered that Ichinoshiro secretly slipped out night after night and went out to Mongolian pubs with his Mongolian friends. Ichinojo, who was reprimanded by Master Minato, is said to have vented his dissatisfaction that he was not accepted to live alone.
"The reason why the master and his wife kept Ichinojo in the sumo stable was because they were concerned about his bad drinking habit. The wife, who went out drinking with him as a watchman, got drunk and raised her hand. There was also a time when I shoved him.” (Same as above)
As a result of the discussion, Ichinoshiro, who wanted to be independent, vowed to refrain from drinking, so Master Minato was allowed to live alone at the end of 2021. However, in less than two months, Ichinosero drank too much and skipped the morning practice. After being scolded by his master again, Ichinojo later declared to Master Minato:
"From now on, I will not talk to my master unless I go through a lawyer."
While the teacher-student relationship is dysfunctional, Ichinojo won his first victory at the Nagoya tournament in July last year. However, the following month, Ichinosero got drunk and made a hole in the work of the Japan Sumo Association. Even after that, Ichinojo's behavior did not improve, and Master Minato reported to the association as follows.
"Ichinojo doesn't listen to what you say at all. It's the limit."
As of November 2022, "Weekly Bunshun" reported the reality that the teacher-student relationship was collapsing as Ichinojo's "excommunication crisis".

@Lirice rispekt, pierwszy raz widzę, że ktoś się interesuje sumo


@roadie Na wykopie nasza społeczność była nieco większa i przy każdym z sześciu basho w ciągu roku ( basho - 14 dniowy turniej, odbywa się co 2 miesiące) tag sumo na chwilę ożywał. Obecny trwa od 14 do 28 maja i można na żywo go oglądać na Twitchu, na kanałach Karla_Sumoist i MidnightSumo (w godzinach od ~3 rano do 10-11). Skróty można oglądać na YT, na kanale NattoSumo. Japoński Związek Sumo ma też swój oficjalny kanał na YT, nazywa się Sumo Prime Time.


@Lirice Plotki o problemach Icinodzio z alkoholem pojawiały się od jakiegoś czasu, więc w sumie mnie to nie dziwi. Ale musiał już lecieć na ostro, skoro Minato zdecydował się go wykopać. Następny najwyższy w rankingu riksi z jego beja to Akitoba Ryo - Higasi Sandanme #1, więc nieprędko będzie miał jakiegoś sekitori.


@Lirice szkoda pana grubasa

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Niespodziewanie Ichinojo zdecydował o rezygnacji z występów w sumo!
Ichinojo to retire from active duty Submitting a retirement notification on the 4th without completely recovering from his back pain and leaving the sumo world
[5:41 on May 4, 2023]
Ichinojo (taken on May 19, 2021)
Ichinojo (30 = Minato), the highest-ranking sekiwake who won the makuuchi once in sumo wrestling, has decided to retire from electric shock. He will also submit his retirement notification to the Japan Sumo Association on the 4th. Ichinojo achieved a good result of 14 wins and 1 loss at the spring tournament in March and won the juryo championship. The summer tournament (first day of the 14th, Ryogoku Kokugikan, Tokyo) was ranked 13th in the West Maegashira, and had re-entered the curtain for the first time in two venues. His chronic back pain is said to be the reason for his retirement. He had a discussion on the 2nd and came to a conclusion. Ichinosero, who is from Mongolia, has acquired Japanese citizenship, but since he has not acquired the Toshiyori Meiseki, he cannot remain as his master and will leave the Japan Sumo Association.
Ichinojo studied at Tottori Johoku High School, and in January 2014, after graduating, made his debut as the 15th Makushita ranking at the first place. He was promoted to the new juryo in two places he required. In the summer of the same year, when he was in the new juryo, he suddenly won the juryo championship. In addition, he passed Juryo in two places, and even in the fall place of the same year, he suddenly won the championship with 13 wins and 2 losses. He defeated yokozuna Kakuryu and even won a gold star. He was hailed as a "monster" and was soon used in TV commercials, rapidly increasing his popularity and name recognition.
With a large body of around 220 kilograms, the heaviest among the sekitori, and four right-handers that he is good at, Kinboshi has won nine, the most in active service and the 10th place in history. On the other hand, the burden on his lower back, which supports his large body, is heavy, and he suffered from chronic lower back pain. Under such circumstances, at the Nagoya tournament in July last year, he achieved his long-cherished first victory and was once again in the spotlight. The previous place won the battle with Asanoyama, an experienced Ozeki, and had just won the juryo championship.
On the other hand, at the first place in January, he was suspended for one place for violating the guidelines for new coronavirus infection control. It was confirmed that he went out twice without permission in November 2020 and August 2021, when he was prohibited from going out. At the same time, the violence against his teacher, the wife of Minato Oyakata (former maegashira Minato Fuji), the feud that followed, and even alcoholism were discussed. Regarding the violence, the Sumo Association announced, "We have partially confirmed the facts." However, he continued, ``It was not a malicious assault, it was an incident more than five years ago, and there was no assault after that,'' and there was no punishment on that point.
On the 4th, the Yokozuna Deliberation Committee (Yokozuna) will hold a training review at the Ryogoku Kokugikan, but Ichinosero will not participate. The sumo wrestler meeting on the 2nd was absent without notice.
Shun Ichinojo (Takashi Ichinojo) Real name: Shun Miura (Altanhoyag Ichinnorob before acquiring Japanese citizenship in September 2021). Born on April 7, 1993 in Arkhangai Province, Mongolia. A nomad who lives in a mobile house called a ger, he has been involved in Mongolian sumo since the age of 13. In 2010, he came to Japan with Yokozuna Terunofuji and others to study sumo at Tottori Johoku High School. After graduating, he worked for the Tottori Prefectural Athletic Association and coached the school's sumo club, winning the All Japan Business Championship in 2013. He entered the Minato stable and was the first place in 2014, and the 15th makushita was ranked first. He was promoted to jūryō in the required 2 places, and his new entry in the same 4 places is the second fastest speed record in history. He won 13 times in the new curtain stage and became a sekiwake in the next stage. His new sanyaku at the required 5 places is the fastest speed record ever. He won the makuuchi championship at the Nagoya tournament in 1922. His specialty is the right four, the side. He is 192 cm and 211 kg.

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w sumie to przykre, w październiku stuknęło mi 10 lat na wykopie. Wersja przeglądarkowa stała się nieintuicyjnym, nieczytelnym i powolnym klocem, a aplikacje przestały działać. Moje ulubione tagi m.in. #sumo i #rower pewnie wkrótce padną śmiercią głodową i wszystkie miłe chwile z nimi związane, pójdą się brzydko mówiąc j*b*ć w p*zdu.
Dzięki gaspadin Białkov, oby ci do końca życia śniły się orlenowskie parówy. (╥﹏╥)

@Lirice wszystko będzie dobrze


@saiko czy lepsza to sie okaze ale warto sprobowac ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


@Lirice przecież ludzie z tagu #rower są już tutaj xD

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