

Zostań Patronem Hejto i odblokuj dodatkowe korzyści tylko dla Patronów

  • Włączona możliwość zarabiania na swoich treściach
  • Całkowity brak reklam na każdym urządzeniu
  • Oznaczenie w postaci rogala , który świadczy o Twoim wsparciu
  • Wcześniejszy dostęp, do wybranych funkcji na Hejto
Zostań Patronem
"...So, this may surprise you, but you're still slowly suffocating even with an oxygen mask.
Because there's so little atmospheric pressure, the oxygen concentration in your.."



"So, this may surprise you, but you're still slowly suffocating even with an oxygen mask.

Because there's so little atmospheric pressure, the oxygen concentration in your blood diminishes even when breathing a higher mixture. They can't increase the mixture too much, or you start to get oxygen narcosis.

I read a couple books about it, and while the oxygen helps a lot, it's not a cure all. You're still on a timer to get to the top and back down. Even when sleeping, you're body is growing weaker."

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Jeśli nie masz mnie jeszcze na czarnej to mnie tam wrzuć. Jeśli już tam jestem i nadal widzisz mój "spam" to niestety nie umiem ci już pomóc. :)



@Marshalist  jeżu, to ty mówisz?!

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"A condom (1640 CE) made from 'Pig Intestines', was found during archaeological excavations in city of Lund, Sweden.
It came with a user manual that instructed guys to dip it in unboiled milk, before use to avoid diseases when sleeping with prostitutes. It's also reusable, washed and again placed (soaked) in a bowl of unboiled milk for 6-8 hours, then used again.
Tirolean County Museum, Austria_"_


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