

Zostań Patronem Hejto i odblokuj dodatkowe korzyści tylko dla Patronów

  • Włączona możliwość zarabiania na swoich treściach
  • Całkowity brak reklam na każdym urządzeniu
  • Oznaczenie w postaci rogala , który świadczy o Twoim wsparciu
  • Wcześniejszy dostęp, do wybranych funkcji na Hejto
Zostań Patronem
A wife is having a gangbang with three men, one of them is deaf
Her husband walks in, so one hides in the closet, the second under the bed and the deaf man hides in the balcony.
The husband opened the closet, and yells who the hell are you, the man says I'm the handyman, I'm fixing your closet, you owe me 100 bucks. He gives him his money and send him on his way.
The husband then looks under the bed and yells who the fuck are you, the second one says I'm also a handyman and | was fixing your bed, so the husband gives him another $100 and let him leave.
The deaf man then storms into the room, and yells, I fucked her too, that'll be a $100.

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