
I cyk,wybiórcza promuje prostytucję jako "zawód jak każdy inny".
#wyborcza #gazetawyborcza #spiseg #prostytucja #demoralizacja
Antysemityzm związany z rebe Michnikiem znów zupełnie przypadkowy (a przypadkowy bo jaki to naród wywoził własne córy do ameryki południowej i robił z nich córy koryntu ? https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cwi_Migdal ) :

@dsol17 So... the punchline here seems to be the median revenue per content creator. Except:

  1. The denominator is skewed by a large number of people who signed up but aren't seriously pursuing it, and may not even be active.

  1. The numerator is skewed by the fact that this omits tips entirely, and much of the sample is missing the subscription price or the number of subscribers, so numbers had to be guessed.

So in other words, the $145/mo was calculated by taking one number we know is wrong, and dividing by another number we know is wrong. ...offhand, I'm not sure I've obtained any information about the expected earnings of someone trying to post content to OnlyFans.

I have to give props to the author; they're quite clear in the analysis section that they're missing all the data they need ("...many accounts don't have their number of fans available", "[using likes] as a proxy for number of fans [...] is likely an underestimate", many accounts had several subscription tiers). But given all the caveats, I don't think there's anything left to conclude.


@AdmiralAwesome Niby tak,ale to dostępne dane po prostu.



wogóle co to za nowomowa? Sex workerka? Jak gdyby nie było Polskiego słowa "prostytutka". Wiadomo, to drugie jest już nacechowane negatywnie, więc trzeba znaleźć nowe słowo które takie nie będzie

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