

(tytułu nie mogłem znaleźć i nie chciało mi się nurkować w japońskim internecie)

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@GARN_ Może pachy nie widać ale fajny podjazd pod popiersie

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#sztuka #art #ilustracja autor: Howard Pyle | So the Treasure Was Divided | 1905 | Oil on canvas | 29.5 x 19.5 in | 
Pyle illustrates the division of pirate spoils: “A lonely island; a long strip of coral sand with combing breakers bursting upon it; a shining mass of treasure...a circle of hungry-eyed, wolfish, unshaven partly clad figures gathered about in the sunlight; the pirate chief standing over the booty - counting, adding, subtracting, parceling.”

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#sztuka #art #digitalart autor: BRASE | portraits of a man that solved the problem by running away | 2024 | "portrait, this one represents a severe case of Agoraphobia.
Agoraphobia : Intense and Irrational fear of disorder, the patient often feels the fear of being overwhelmed or unable to escape or get help."
| Software Used: Blender, Quixel Suite, DAZ Studio, Affinity Designer, Topaz

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Xdd rada Eriwnkow podczas procesu anoniomowej kobiety ktora mimo nowego ladu swiata upierala sie na spanie w skarpetkach.

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"I stand alone on the cliffs of the world

No one never tends to me

Sitting alone covered in grease

Some things are so my mind can breathe"

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@GARN_ scooter, i can't breathe.

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ćwir ćwir skurwesynki


@SuperSzturmowiec xd u matki polowa bloku tym oblepiona, mialem gdzies fotke jak golebie na tym gniazdo zrobily na totlanej wyjebce

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Dajesz blondi blunt wepony to szajs jak mu bash nie wsiadzie to go robisz na luzie

@GARN_ takie pierdolenie zargonem z gier komputerowych

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