W sumie hak żeby być kontrybutorem linuxa na githubie.
Well, the rules for getting a GitHub PR merged by @torvalds are here, so it is not impossible: #17 (comment). Just very uncommon. It only happened 10 times.I wyjaśnienie: https://github.com/torvalds/linux/pull/832#issuecomment-2193883290
No Linux PRs have ever been merged via GitHub. What happened here is that a random person submitted a branch that was already sent to Linus via a mailing list PR.
This is the real (non-GitHub) PR. The timestamp is Sun, 31 Mar 2024 1011 UTC. @ammarfaizi2 then opened this GitHub PR at 12:37 UTC, a couple hours later, using the exact same commit hash, even though he is neither the commit author nor the person making the PR. Then when Linus merged this (again, not involving GitHub at all) into mainline, and this mirror was updated to include the merge commit, GitHub marked the PR as merged since the commit that this PR was attempting to merge was, in fact, merged (this is a GitHub feature that works as long as the commit hash is identical, and included in a subsequent merge commit). At no point was GitHub involved in the process with the actual kernel community, and as far as I can tell @ammarfaizi2 is just a random who had nothing to do with the commit, nor the real PR, or anything else.
Anyone can do this by running ahead of Linus on any non-GitHub kernel pull request and opening a PR here. It's just a stupid trick to make it look like Linus merged your PR via GitHub, even though that never actually was the case.
You can submit Linux kernel changes to upstream maintainers from GitHub-hosted branches, I've done so myself. But it's via mail PR, and GitHub in that case is just treated as an arbitrary Git hosting site. The GitHub web interface PRs are never used.#linux #github #git