#heheszki #czarnyhumor


@GODPL To bzdura. Z boku jest nowy most. Ile razy można taki guano wrzucać.


Skoro jest most to po chuj idą linami?


@GODPL na moście trzeba płacić myto


@GODPL To afryka, most obok pewnie płatny a biedni murzyni nie mają tyle pieniędzy, ale za to mają line i siebie oraz zaoszczędzoną gotówkę, albo to forma jakiegoś sportu albo przemytnicy, generalnie bredze xD


@GODPL @pinbecker

Nie wiem, kto ma rację bardziej.

"The bridge was destroyed on April 29, 1941, by retreating Italian soldiers during the East African Campaign. In early April 1941, the Gideon Force attacked the Italian garrison at Bahir Dar, Colonel Saverio Maraventano and his garrison of 8,000 men were forced to retreat. After crossing the Abay River, they then demolished the stone bridge that served as a crossing. The destruction of the bridge was mentioned in Haile Selassie's autobiography: "The Italians had also destroyed the bridge over the Abay river and the debris in the water made it difficult for us to cross. Nevertheless, since we had surmounted the biggest difficulty, the destruction of the Abay bridge could in no way prevent us from continuing our journey."

No significant repairs were undertaken afterwards; temporary crossing was on wooden logs or by ropes. The lack of safety caused five deaths every year. The bridge was repaired in February 2002 by engineers from the American philanthropic organization Bridges to Prosperity. The repairs to the Sebara Dildiy bridge reportedly lasted until 2005. After this, a modern bridge that was connected to the country's road network was constructed nearby in 2009".

Dodam jeszcze, że most był już zniszczony wcześniej i odbudowany przez "the Africans", więc chyba punkty powinny zostać przyznane jednak @pinbecker

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