2016 - aktualnie
Black metal / Death metal
Zajebista kapela, mam okładkę ich albumu na miniaturce. Miałem okazję być na nich na mysticu 2022, ale zamuliłem i nie przyszedłem na warm-up day. Kilka miesięcy później sie w nich zakochałem i nadrobiłem koncert dwa tygodnie temu w Tallinie.
We wrześniu ich były gitarzysta, José Ribeiro się rozjebał, że na początku twórczości zespół ściągał pomysły na riffy od innych bandów. Opublikował to na swoim FB czy innym instagramie I rzeczywiście znalazłem podobieństwo "Pray for ur flase god" z "With Hearts toward none 7".
Wg mnie cała dalsza twórczość jest na tyle zajebista, że nie zrobiło to na mnie wrażenia.
I knew that this day would eventually come, so here it goes:
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Since my fellow guitar player Miguel Vanzeler had the GINORMOUS guts to speak for the truth, hereby follow his steps, speaking about #gaerea and my 3 years in the band as a founding member and original guitar player. 2016 was invited by Guilherme Henriques to start a Black Metal band - Gaerea. He had the EP recorded, mixed, mastered and ready to present, so it began. I am not going into details, but after quitting the band in the end of 2018, investing all my time and money in it, I was never paid what I was promised and I was blocked from Gaerea's Facebook and
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Instagram pages. The IMPORTANT part:
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The ONLY work as a musician done by Guilherme alone was the self-titled EP. No one from the band wanted credit for the EP since it was composed by himself and there are 2 songs completely ripped off from BEHEMOTH! and Mgła, "Santificato" and "Pray To Your False God" respectively.
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With that being said, hereby take credit for fully recording all rhythm guitars in Unsettling Whispers and participating in the composition of the entire album, except for the song Catharsis".
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#blackmetal #deathmetal #metal

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