Komentarze (13)

@Dziadek_z_Wermachtu_DT Rozkład jazdy jest znany. Слава Україні! - навіки слава! героям слава!


@Dziadek_z_Wermachtu_DT A jakiś tekst źródłowy? czy to tylko tak jakiś gościu sobie gada?

@Dziadek_z_Wermachtu_DT Widzisz dziadu ? tak trudno pokazać tekst z 2020r?

@paulusll Oryginalny autor tamtego Twitta nie powołał się na żadne źródła z tego co rzuciłem okiem.

@Javax Czyli trolle wracają do Wołynia, później będzie Hiv , ofensywa , Leo , Wołyń A i najważniejsze pokój potrzebny na już.

@paulusll Tekst jest z wczoraj 21:25.

Tweety ze źródłem z d⁎⁎y

@paulusll @Javax

Tutaj cały fragment.

The Ukrainian side has repeatedly raised the issue of restoring Ukrainian memorial sites that were vandalized by vandals in 2014-2016. In particular, we are talking about one of the monuments on Mount Monastyr near the village of Verkhrata. Allegedly, the tombstone broken with a hammer was restored, but the list of UPA soldiers, which was on the monument before the destruction, was not restored. What is the situation with this monument now? How many more monuments have not been restored?

I have a list of places of Ukrainian memory destroyed by vandals on the territory of Poland. A large number of them remain either completely destroyed or damaged and not restored. Of course, we expect some developments in this regard. The Polish side has already been informed about this several times. Ambassador Bartosz Cihotski himself called this situation a face-saving case. I have no information whether something has changed for the better or something has been restored.

At Monastyra, the grave is recognized by the Polish side. With Polish money, under the patronage of the Institute of National Remembrance of Poland, a monument with memorial plaques was erected there. Two memorial tables said that soldiers who fought with the NKVD in the surrounding forest were buried here, and a list of names. Then vandals destroyed these plates. No one found the vandals and did not punish them. They broke the tablets and threw them into a pit in the same forest. No one restored the plates.

The Ukrainian side is of the opinion that until this memorial is restored in Poland, we cannot give permission for new excavations and exhumations of Poles buried in Ukraine, because Ukrainian graves in Poland are still in danger.

Wywiad z wczoraj 21:25, tłumaczone google translate

via https://glavcom.ua/longreads/anton-drobovich-pislja-peremohi-mi-ne-matimemo-sil-na-shchos-spilne-z-rosijanami-u-najblizhchi-100-rokiv-934999.html

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