#zeglarstwo #esp32 #poradnikarmatora - taki tag do zczarnolistowania kto nie jest zainteresowany biedackimi rozwiązaniami diy do użycia w jachcie
In this episode we set up a ESP32-E Firebeetle 2 to be able to monitor key data from my Yanmar 3GM30 (and applicable to any engine). The device will run a program based on SensESP from the Signal K team and interface with my Openplotter system on my boat Raspberry Pi. This system could be easily extended to be NMEA 2000 for integration into an existing NMEA 2000 marine electronics system.
The data that the device will provide is as follows:
• Oil Pressure - requires a pressure sender and a port on the engine to connect to.
• RPM - requires a pulse from the spinning engine, this is usually the 'W' terminal or Tachometer Signal wire. This could also be done using a flywheel sensor or something similar
• Fuel Burn Rate - this will be calculated from the RPM
• Temperature Sensors - I am using 1-Wire sensors for the following:
○ Oil Temperature
○ Aft Cabin Temperature
○ Exhaust Elbow Temperature
○ Exhaust Barrel Temperature
○ Alternator Temperature
• Environmental Sensor - this device will report Temperature, Relative Humidity and Air Pressure in the engine bay
SUQ-MADIQ userbar

@SUQ-MADIQ wydaje mi się że z silnika za pomocą CAN byś mógł wyciągnąć dane bezpośrednio bez konieczności używania tylu sensorów


@sorek https://streamable.com/7okv3q

Nie ma nawet pompy oleju ani filtra a ty byś chciał jakieś gniazdo z elektroniką

Za rok mu stuknie 50 lat


@SUQ-MADIQ a to takie ustrojstwo No to powodzenia

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