#ufo USA twierdzi że wcześniej źle analizowali surowe dane z radarów. Wprowadzili zmiany w procesie analizy i zaczęli odkrywać kolejne obiekty - stąd taki wysyp teraz tego jest

@prawa_renka_kubicy Masz źródło?


@Debil13 "the suspected Chinese balloon that traveled over the U.S. led NORAD to more closely examine raw radar data, the officials said, leading to the discovery of radar signatures previously unseen. The data has led to a constellation of newly discovered objects that the U.S. is determining how to deal with in real time.

“What we are doing is changing how we visualize the raw radar data,” one of the officials said.

With the new raw data, which in some cases also includes photos, intelligence and assessment of debris, the U.S. is hoping to refine its approach to these objects, the officials said."


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