Takigawa Daini High School - 2024 Spring Traffic Safety Campaign, 2024-04-06

Takigawa Daini High School - 2024 Spring Traffic Safety Campaign, 2024-04-06

Kolejna paczka wesołych kubraczków: wracamy do Liceum Takigawa nr 2, z Kobe!

Children of Sanchez to jest sztos.

Without dreams of hope and pride a man will die
Though his flesh still moves, his heart sleeps in the grave
Without land man never dreams, cause he's not free
All men need a place to live with dignity.
Take the crumbs from starving soldiers, they won't die
Lord said not by bread alone does man survive
Take the food from hungry children, they won't cry
Food alone won't ease the hunger in their eyes.
Every child belongs to mankind's family
Children are the fruit of all humanity
Let them feel the love of all the human race
Touch them with the warmth, the strength of that embrace.
Give me love and understanding, i will thrive
As my children grow my dreams come alive
Those who hear the cries of children. god will bless
I will always hear the children of sánchez.

#orkiestryszkolne #nagraniez2024 #koncertnapromenadzie #nagraltomoyakaramatsu #takigawadaini

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