Jeszcze miałem wstęp. Kiedy dostajecie pytanie "Jak podzielic kwadrat na 12 identycznych części, to - podobnie jak ja - przez sekundę myślicie, żeby podzielić go na trzy części pionowo, trzy części poziomo, ale po tej sekundzie uświadamiacie sobie, że będzie tego tylko dziewięc, więc modyfikujecie plan i dzielicie pionowo (albo poziomo, jak kto woli) na cztery? Czy może robicie to jak AI?
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JA: Please divide a square into 12 identical sections
To divide a square into 12 identical sections, you can follow these steps:
1. Start with a square of any size.
2. Draw two horizontal lines to divide the square into three equal horizontal sections.
3. Draw two vertical lines to divide the square into three equal vertical sections.
4. You now have a grid of nine smaller squares within the larger square.
5. To further divide each smaller square into four equal parts, draw a diagonal line from one corner to the opposite corner of each smaller square.
6. Repeat this step for all nine smaller squares.
7. You now have a total of 36 smaller squares within the larger square, with each smaller square being identical in size.
By following these steps, you can divide a square into 12 identical sections.
JA: And where are my 12 identical sections in this?
Apologies for the confusion in my previous response. To divide a square into 12 identical parts, you can follow these steps:
1. Start with a square of any size.
2. Draw two horizontal lines to divide the square into three equal horizontal sections.
3. Draw four vertical lines to divide the square into five equal vertical sections.
4. You now have a grid of 15 smaller rectangles within the larger square.
5. To further divide each smaller rectangle, draw a diagonal line from one corner to the opposite corner of each rectangle.
6. Repeat this step for all 15 smaller rectangles.
7. You now have a total of 30 smaller triangles within the larger square, with each triangle being identical in size.
By following these steps, you can divide a square into 12 identical sections, which in this case are the 30 smaller triangles.
JA: I'm sorry. I wasn't being precise enough. Divide me a square into 12 identical rectangles. 12 and no more.
Apologies for the confusion. To divide a square into exactly 12 identical rectangles, you can follow these steps:
1. Start with a square of any size.
2. Draw two horizontal lines to divide the square into three equal horizontal sections.
3. Draw four vertical lines to divide the square into five equal vertical sections.
4. You now have a grid of 15 smaller rectangles within the larger square.
5. Select any three adjacent rectangles from the middle row and merge them vertically by removing the dividing lines between them.
6. Repeat this step for the remaining two rows, selecting three adjacent rectangles and merging them vertically.
7. You now have a total of 12 identical rectangles within the larger square.
By following these steps, you can divide a square into exactly 12 identical rectangles.
JA: Wouldn't it be easier to draw two horizontal lines to divive the square into three identical horizontal sections and then to draw THREE lines to divide the square (and all it's sections) into FOUR sections and to have as a result square divided into 12 sections?
Apologies for the oversight in my previous response. You are correct, and I apologize for any confusion caused. To divide a square into 12 identical rectangles, you can follow these steps:
1. Start with a square of any size.
2. Draw two horizontal lines to divide the square into three equal horizontal sections.
3. Draw three vertical lines to divide the square (and all sections) into four equal vertical sections.
4. You now have a grid of 12 identical rectangles within the larger square.
By following these steps, you can indeed divide a square into 12 identical rectangles more efficiently. Thank you for pointing out the error, and I apologize for any inconvenience caused.
@KLH2 - niezłe halucynacje AI!
@KLH2 otóż sprawa jest banalna. Tak się to rozgrywa jeśli ktoś przyjdzie do ciebie z takim zadaniem:
"Czy umiesz podzielić kwadrat na 12 identycznych kwadratów?" Odpowiedź brzmi "stanowczo tak" i w ten sposób kończysz temat.
Gdy niestrudzenie będzie ktoś drążył "ale jak to zrobisz?" To wymijasz, że to twoje know-how, dawno się tego nauczyłeś od mądrego człowieka i nie masz ochoty się tym dzielić. Jak będzie chciał byś pokazal - "pokazywałem jak byłem mały, ale jak dasz mi kwadrat i chwilę czasu to ci to zrobię"
Bierzesz kwadrat i tniesz go na 16 równych kwadratów. Do klienta przychodzisz z równym stosikiem 12 kwadratów i przy nim przeliczasz. Zadanie wykonane.
Co bardziej bystry zacznie krzyczeć, gdzie jeszcze 4 kwadraty?! To spokojnie odpowiadasz, że za darmo to niech frajera szuka, albo sam se temat ogarnia.
Działa w każdej innej dziedzinie życia.
Ten sposób podpatrzylem od majstrów remontowo-wykończeniowych i ulepszyłem go, o dobrej jakości, równo wycięty produkt pracy.
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