"Recently, a team of researchers stumbled upon strange entities, or obelisks, living inside of human bodies that had escaped notice until now.
What researchers uncovered are entities they've chosen to call “obelisks.” They do not resemble typical life forms & their name comes from distinctive shape.
Unlike standard viruses, they do not appear to encode protein shells. These differences suggest that life’s definitions might need some rethinking.
<br /> It is not just a single type of obelisk. Thousands of unique varieties have turned up when scientists comb through genetic datasets.
Obelisks don't fit neatly into existing categories. Not standard viruses, classic bacteria, & not exactly viroids. Discovery hints we may be missing entire classes of RNA-based life challenging current textbooks. This complicates efforts to catalog & understand the full range of microbial life."
What researchers uncovered are entities they've chosen to call “obelisks.” They do not resemble typical life forms & their name comes from distinctive shape.
Unlike standard viruses, they do not appear to encode protein shells. These differences suggest that life’s definitions might need some rethinking.
<br /> It is not just a single type of obelisk. Thousands of unique varieties have turned up when scientists comb through genetic datasets.
Obelisks don't fit neatly into existing categories. Not standard viruses, classic bacteria, & not exactly viroids. Discovery hints we may be missing entire classes of RNA-based life challenging current textbooks. This complicates efforts to catalog & understand the full range of microbial life."
Jeżeli we Wszechświecie istnieje "życie", to może ono być tak egzotyczne i odległe od naszych definicji, że nawet nie będziemy w stanie go rozpoznać.
@Alky zacznijmy od tego, że nie istnieje jedna uniwersalnie akceptowalna definicja życia.
A słyszeliście o takim organellum jak "vault" (nie znalazłem polskiej nazwy, "krypta"?)? Występuje u prawie wszystkich eukariotów i nikt nie ma pojęcia do czego służy. Jest tak tajemnicze, że nawet nie podaje się go jako część komórki, po prostu się to ignoruje przy opisie organelli. Hipotetyzuje się, że może to być część antycznego wirusa, który wpisał się do DNA naszych jednokomórkowych dziadków.
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