Nie Ukraina, ale mnie poruszyło. Rozmowa pomiędzy czeczeńskim dowódcą a rosyjskim pułkownikiem podczas (chyba) 1. bitwy o Grozny (data na filmiku raczej nieprawdziwa). Angielskie napisy
Z komentarza na YT "Alik died in the ambush while Turpal Ali died eight years later in prison. What we are hearing is the voices of ghosts spoken during a conflict that was fought long ago that have since been largely forgotten, the story of two men, once brothers who have since passed on, and the only memory of them left is this short conversation between two former brothers in arms and close friends who ends up fighting each other on opposite sides of a conflict. May both men rest in peace and meet each other as friends again."
Z komentarza na YT "Alik died in the ambush while Turpal Ali died eight years later in prison. What we are hearing is the voices of ghosts spoken during a conflict that was fought long ago that have since been largely forgotten, the story of two men, once brothers who have since passed on, and the only memory of them left is this short conversation between two former brothers in arms and close friends who ends up fighting each other on opposite sides of a conflict. May both men rest in peace and meet each other as friends again."