Another huge Manfela effect. This time it's a double Mandela effect. energizer and Duracell both use pink bunny mascots bit they used to be white. Mandela effect of the white bunny 🐰 #mandelaeffect #nelsonmandela #energizer #energizerbunny #duracell #duracellbunny #timeline #paralelluniverse #multiverse #earth1 #earth2 #earth3 #cern #dimensions #quantumjumping #quantumleap #quantumphysics #multiverse #falsememories #newmandelaeffect #mandelaeffecttrend #themandelaeffect #merging #newworld #newtimeline #cristinabruno #cristinabruno1111 #starseed #alienhybrid #witch
Another huge Manfela effect. This time it's a double Mandela effect. energizer and Duracell both use pink bunny mascots bit they used to be white. Mandela effect of the white bunny 🐰 #mandelaeffect #nelsonmandela #energizer #energizerbunny #duracell #duracellbunny #timeline #paralelluniverse #multiverse #earth1 #earth2 #earth3 #cern #dimensions #quantumjumping #quantumleap #quantumphysics #multiverse #falsememories #newmandelaeffect #mandelaeffecttrend #themandelaeffect #merging #newworld #newtimeline #cristinabruno #cristinabruno1111 #starseed #alienhybrid #witch