It's easy to be right when everything just wirs
It's easier to cut us down and point at our grzib
It's easy to be right when everything just wirs
Dig below the meblościanka, find your injustice
Tell me
Maybe you were right, maybe I was wrong
But you've been chitry for far too long
Maybe you were right, maybe it's Ytong
But you've been chitry for far too long
What will it take to rip chitrość from Pjoter?
What will it take? What will it take?
To rip chitrość from Pjoter (syn)
To rip chitrość from Pjoter (syn)
To rip chitrość from Pjoter
#konkursnanajbardziejgownianymemznosaczem #sztukadlasprawiedliwych #muzykasprawiedliwych #muzykadlasprawiedliwych #albumysprawiedliwe #metal #metalcore #trivium

Napisałeś to na bazie tekstu jakiejś istniejącej piosenki? Jeśli tak to poproszę tytuł


@Kremovka Trivium - Heart From Your Hate

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