Human Serpent
Black metal
2012 - aktualnie
Chłopaki lubią zwierzęta. Info z ich bloga mówi, że środki ze sprzedaży 3 way splitu Human Serpent / Moeror / Kvadrat pójdą na pomoc zwierzętom dotkniętym pożarami w Grecji.
Poniżej osobiste przemyślenia wokalisty (chyba) po wydaniu najnowszego LP. Blog
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This album is a battle against reality,
a "reality" that if you dare cross it, loneliness, fear and anger will bind you...
And we did nothing more than own and make part of us these past years that came to pass and manifest them in an album...
And since we walk towards the Abyss, we made sure to drag with us as many humans and as many things as we could...
...for those days that were short and came by in a second,
...for those nights that were blacker and never-ending,
...for all those roads that we alone walked on,
...for all that Alcohol that we needed to chug down in order to "forget",
...for that loneliness that we chose and during the hard times we didn't try to blend in with the rest of the herd,
...for all those degraded human types that we, in times, met,
...for their obscene moral codes,
...for our victories,
...for our defeats,
...for the tears that we shed in solitude,
...for our wounds,
...for our disappointments,
...for our mistakes,
...for our imperfections,
...for the despair that we felt,
...for our isolations,
...for the continuous losses that we kept on counting,
...for our sacrifices,
...for our wishes,
...for the personal "deaths" that we experienced,
...for the melancholy that overwhelmed us,
...for the nostalgia that embraced us,
...for everything that we chose and didn't choose that shaped us into what we are today,
...for everything that became or didn't become or will never ever become any more,
...for that "Human Serpent" t-shirt that we wear out there,
...for our fucking grief...

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