Europejski publiczny DNS
dns0.eu#dns #europa #itsecurity #uniaeuropejska
Za HN:
safe for children
Ah, it's filtered.
Someone decides what "children" means. Someone decides what "safe" means.
There are people who think that not just under-16s, but almost everyone is incapable of making adult decisions. And different (responsible, informed) adults may come to different conclusions about what is and isn't safe.
Curated DNS may suit some people, but I appreciate having access to the real internet.
I dodatkowo:
"dns0.eu is a French non‑profit organization founded in 2022 by Romain Cointepas and Olivier Poitrey — co-founders of NextDNS."
@FuPa ja polecam
Ja jeszcze polecę NextDNS - dużo customowych opcji do wyboru.
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