
Źródło: https://www.tiktok.com/@ericasioux/video/7420660523634560287

In two places in Georgia, the "black prom" was open to attendance by all students. Only the "white prom" was racially exclusive.[4][5]


Charleston, Mississippi: In 1997, actor Morgan Freeman offered to fund a racially integrated prom in Charleston, Mississippi, where he lives. The offer was turned down. In 2007, he made the offer again and it was accepted, and the school held its first integrated prom in 2008, profiled in the documentary Prom Night in Mississippi.[15]


Wilcox County, Georgia: In 2013, the New York Times published an article about Wilcox County High School's first integrated prom, which took place that year, and was organized by students.[26]


#segregacja #rasizm #usa #deykuntiktok

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@Deykun Trochę ryje to banię, ale myślę, że nawet wielu białym mieszkańcom tego stanu ryje.

I powinno.

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