#ciekawostki #motoryzacja #tsl #transport
"In the 1960's General Motors was trying to get the freight cost down on Vegas to keep them a budget friendly car. At the time, a new Vega had a price tag around $2,000. Engineers from GM and Southern Pacific Railroad came up with the Vert-A-Pac. This allowed 30 cars to be shipped per boxcar instead of 18. Lowering freight costs by up to 40%. GM engineers also designed specific oil baffles to keep oil from spilling along with specially designed carburetors, batteries and added plastic spacers between the powertrain and the chassis to prevent damage. Pretty wild"

Komentarze (6)

@SuperSzturmowiec Co, przekleić za ciebie do translatora i wkleić w kom oznaczając cie, czy ocb?

@SuperSzturmowiec Może frytki do tego? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

@SuperSzturmowiec Polecam sos z habanero w czopkach

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