Chińskie Baidu uruchomiło swojego chatbota Ernie po otrzymaniu zielonego światła od chińskiego rządu [ENG]

Chińskie Baidu uruchomiło swojego chatbota Ernie po otrzymaniu zielonego światła od chińskiego rządu [ENG]

The Verge
Ernie Bot is now available for download from app stores or Baidu’s website. Much like its main rival, ChatGPT, users can ask Ernie Bot questions or prompt it to help write market analysis, give marketing slogan ideas, and summarize documents. The company told The Verge Ernie Bot is available globally, but users need a Chinese number to register and log in. The Baidu app is available on US Android and iOS app stores but is only in Chinese.

Company representatives said the Ernie Bot surpassed 1 million users in the first 19 hours since launch.

#wiadomosciswiat #chiny #technologia #chatgpt

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