Amputacja odbytnicy i esicy po operacji raka odbytnicy

"This is an ELAPE (extra-levator abdominal perineal resection) is performed to treat cancer of the rectum when the cancer is very near or affects the anal sphincter muscles. You may have radiotherapy or chemoradiation (chemotherapy and radiotherapy) to shrink the cancer beforehand to make it easier to remove and decrease the chance of it coming back later on.
The procedure involves removing the anus, rectum and the levator muscle which helps you clench our anus along with part of the sigmoid colon. The anus is then closed permanently, so a colostomy (where your large bowel opens onto your skin) is needed lifelong."

#medyczneprzypadki #nsfw

Teraz nafaszerować i do piekarnika


@Cekyo obrzydliwe, dawaj więcej


@Cekyo nadziać na butelkę


@Marshalist to ten od słoika? Teraz będzie na luzaka


@prosto_w_srodek_dupy teraz będzie brał 10l słoik

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