

Zostań Patronem Hejto i odblokuj dodatkowe korzyści tylko dla Patronów

  • Włączona możliwość zarabiania na swoich treściach
  • Całkowity brak reklam na każdym urządzeniu
  • Oznaczenie w postaci rogala , który świadczy o Twoim wsparciu
  • Wcześniejszy dostęp, do wybranych funkcji na Hejto
Zostań Patronem
Secik tylko i wyłącznie z kawałków Andy Moora od 2008 do 2012.

1. Vangelis - Rachel's Song (Andy Moor Remix)
2. Empire of the Sun - We Are The People (Ashley Wallbridge & Andy Moor Remix)
3. Andy Moor feat. Carrie Skipper - So Much more (Original Mix)
4. Nadia Ali - Love Story (Andy Moor's Vocal Mix)
5. Lange & Andy Moor - Stadium Four (Original Mix)
6. Lange feat. Sarah Howells - Let It All Out (Andy Moor Remix) (Edit)
7. Andy Moor & Ashley Wallbridge feat. Meighan Nealon - Faces (Original Mix)
8. Andy Moor vs. M.I.K.E. - Spirits Pulse (Original Mix)
9. Andy Moor & Daniel Paul Davis - Oridinary People (Edit)
10. Andy Moor - Fake Awake (Original Mix)


#dj #progressivetrance #trance #andymoor #muzykaelektroniczna i zawołam se @evilonep @Klamra @Half_NEET_Half_Amazing
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#cdnme #muzyka #muzykaelektroniczna #psytrance #psybient #psychill #progressivetrance #zenonesque

IPS015 - ELECTRYPNOSE (Daytime) | Switzerland by Dense Nebula

IPS015 - ELECTRYPNOSE (Daytime) | Switzerland by Dense Nebula

Electrypnose (Daytime) @ Dense Nebula Records IPS015 --> played in Portugal June 2022 Follow - https://www.soundcloud.com/electrypnose We are beyond the moon to welcome the legend that is Electrypnose to our beloved podcast series. Tuning in a magical set all the way from Portugal. Electrypnose, the electric hypnosis, is Vince LeBarde's multi-flavored musical project. Having released 10 full length albums and more than 100 tracks on various labels including Zenon Records, as well as on his own label as co-owner for 2to6 Records. Having toured the entire planet, Electrypnose has performed at the psychedelic threshold of the biggest festivals on Earth. Which includes Ozora Festival, Boom Festival, Universo Paralello Festival, MoDem Festival, Fusion Festival, Eclipse Festival, Rainbow Serpent Festival and many more Iconic locations. The Electrypnose style has no limits at all. An infusion of dark and daytime play between elements faster and more chilled. Its a great pleasure welcoming this extraordinary mind onto our podcast. .................................................................................................................................................................................. Tracklist: (coming soon) .................................................................................................................................................................................. // Electrypnose // Website: https://www.electrypnose.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/electrypnose Bandcamp: https://www.electrypnose.bandcamp.com Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/lebarde1 Artist: Electrypnose Design: Dense Nebula Records


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