Skoro dzisiaj tyle o chórach, to przedstawiam moje niedawne odkrycie - Amalgamation Choir, czyli grecki chór kobiecy. Jak dla mnie kosmos! Inna sprawa, że subiektywnie uważam język Hellenów za najpiękniejszy na świecie, ale jak wspomniałem - to tylko moje własne urojenia.
Także, zapraszam na duchową ucztę!
btw, przez pierwsze 1,5 minuty dziewczyny mają rozgrzewkę, więc proponuję przewinąć do 1:43. I żeby nie było, że nie wiadomo, o czym jest ta pieśń, przeklejam opis:
"This song is about a thirsty eagle. The eagle saw a fountain and immediately flew to the fountain to drink. As the eagle was landing he saw a dying tree. The eagle stood on top of the tree and asked it "Whose is this fountain and doesn't let you to drink water?" (the tree was near by the fountain and it was dying from thirst). The tree answered "I can't drink water from the fountain because it is guarded by the God of Love (Cupid-Έρωτας in Greek) and he doesn't let anyone to drink because a young couple met for the first time at the fountain as they both wanted to quench their thirst and they fell in love. But they broke apart and now Cupid doesn't let anyone to drink water until
the young couple meet again at the fountain and be one again"